Embracing change.

As much as sometimes we hate it, change is a constant in our lives. It is exactly what keeps us renewing ourselves, reinventing ourselves over and over so that we can keep up with...well other changes that are going on around us. That is what I have been going through for the past couple of months, but most focused during the past two weeks.

Two weeks ago I started a Nutrition course through Coursera.org. The course, which lasts 6 weeks, covers a variety of issues as they relate to nutrition, such as heart disease, cancer, and obesity and weight management. This week, we are are working on Diabetes, which is of a lot of interest to me as a Type 2 diabetic. So, in the process of completing my weekly readings and assignments, I have learned a lot of of things about my diet (and by my diet I am talking about what I eat on a regular basis; I am not following a specific diet).

For example, one of my assignments required me to track my food intake for a period of 24 hours, including water, as well as physical activity (supertracker.usda.gov). At the end of the period, I was able to print out a report, which broke down my intake into the different macro-nutrients needed. I was surprised with the report, particularly with the fruit component. I have never been particularly attracted to fruits, and so I made it a point to add more to my diet. I guess I was overzealous in my attempt and I went over the recommended daily amount. Luckily the fruit juice was natural, no sugar added, but nevertheless, I was over that, while being under in vegetables and protein. And with my grains, a larger percentage is from refined grains rather than whole grains. I also found out that some of my favorite foods, like my cereal, is a source of empty calories. Yes, this report was an eye-opener.

My report for a 24 hour period. Interesting!
So armed with this new information, I moved on to try new things for me and my family. I went grocery shopping and it was different than other times. There were more fruits and vegetables; I got a new cereal, bought whole grain mini-bagels, brown rice and yogurt. And I also bought a new fish to try out, basa, which tasted delicious (however, as I write this blog, I did some research about it and I need to look more into it's safety). No cookies, no ice cream, no chips were bought on this shopping trip.

What makes these changes best is the response I have had from my family, especially from my girls who are reluctant to eat vegetables and try new things. It was a pleasure seeing my lil one, Ileana, come down for a snack and prepared herself a little bowl of different fruits. And when Amanda returned from her run in the park, I suggested that she drink a glass of milk (fat free, of course), she did it without hesitation. Refreshing!

My meals are also looking different. I had to buy a food scale to help me weigh some of the food, and it has been a tremendous help. Now I know what 4 oz of chicken look like, so I don't over eat. I measure my food, including cereal and salad, to make sure that I am not going over the recommended servings. And I am making sure that my plate looks colorful and entices me to eat good. It works!

Breakfast: 3/4 c whole grain cereal, 1/2 cup fresh fruit, 100 calorie
whole wheat bagel with reduced fat cream cheese...and my coffee!

Dinner: broiled pork chop, home made mashed potatoes, and salad.
Of course, I have continued working out. I try to go for a run in Humboldt Park at least every other day, and go to our gym regularly. I have seen first-hand that these changes do pay off. I have already seen changes in my body,  and other people notice too. It feels great when people compliment you about the way you look. I went down to 169 lbs (yay!). I now fit in size 10 pants, and in size medium shirts; it has been years since I could do that. My energy levels are up.

Back when I started
How I look now...and I'm not done!

But more than the physical changes, I am also enjoying the changes in my health, especially my mental health. I am much more relaxed; I feel light. I take things as they come; they will resolve one way or the other. I definitively have a new outlook in life. And all of this I owe to being willing to change and adjust. Otherwise, I could have not done it.


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