Getting Stronger!

Eight months ago I made the decision to commit to my health by exercising and eating healthy. It has not been easy; I have had ups and downs, I have felt like quitting at times. I have tried different exercise routines, some that have been good, some that were not so much. I have felt discouraged because I have not seen results, or at least the results I had wanted so see. I have had to struggle against the lack of support at certain levels, and battle the constant temptations, whether it is food or falling back into old habits.

But I have remained constant. And I have seen results. And I have gotten stronger.

It has taken me a while, and still have a long way
to go, but I love the changes in my body!
Take for example, my runs in the park. When I first started, I was walking most of the way. Then I started doing running and walking intervals: running two minutes and walking one. I remember how I wanted to turn around and go back home when I first started doing this! But I kept at it, and soon I added one more minute to the running, for a 3-to-1 interval. This past Thursday, I decided to try a 4-to-1 interval. When I was at 4 minutes running, I decided to go for 5. At 5, I felt strong enough to go for 6 minutes running. I was amazed that I was able to do it! My body responded well to the challenge, and I was able to do two of these 6-to-1 intervals. I was ecstatic! Today my husband and I went out running again and I had to go back to the 4-to1interval because I got shin splints again, and I suspect it was because of my pushing myself to the 6-to-1interval. However, we increased the distance, and ended up running 2.33 miles.

The changes in my body are noticeable. My size 12 pants fit me really loose; in a couple of weeks I will  be ready for size 10 pants. I went from not using a belt to using one on the first hole, and now I am on the third hole. I can fit in size medium blouses, although I have to admit that I still go for the size large ones; I guess it takes time to get used to these changes. My belly, a constant source of discomfort for me, has gotten a lot better. No, I don't have a six-pack yet; far from it! But it is good to feel your abs after a long time of not even knowing if they still existed. And there is some definition in my arms, another source of frustration for me. Finally getting rid of the Alice the Goon arms!

I always felt my arms resembled
those of Alice the Goon!
A lot of people have made comments on my appearance. It feels good when others notice. It is like my efforts and progress are validated. But frankly, what gives me more joy is the response I get from my daughters, when they make comments about how great I look, how my wardrobe is changing as a result of my getting fit, and when I see them adopting healthier habits as well. Amanda, for example, has taken to running and is also doing yoga, and Ileana continues with her dancing ballet and jazz. I'm glad we are creating (and recreating in my case) healthier habits which I am committed to continue for the rest of our lives!

Again, it is not easy. Many times I dislike it when I have to prepare my lunches in the morning, with all the measuring, the preparation of healthy snacks, and making sure I have enough water throughout the day. And despite my cheerful check-ins, it is really hard to get up at 6:00 am to fit in my workouts when what I really want to do is turn around and sleep for another hour. But I reflect on my progress, on the changes already noticeable, and on how great I feel, and it all makes sense. My health and wellness are totally worth it.

I am stronger!


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