Eviction Notice Revisited

I wrote this around three years ago, when I first started taking steps to lose weight. It has been a long "eviction" process, and I continue engaged in this battle. I am reposting it as a reminder of this struggle and as motivation to continue working on my goals.

"Mmmm, excuse me?" I started hesitantly. "I regret to inform you that your stay in this body has come to an end. You have to move out; your body is no longer wanted." And with that, I gave an eviction notice to the body I no longer wanted. You see, around 14 years ago a new body took a hold of my old body, and it has not let go ever since. From there on, whenever I looked in the mirror, I would not see my body, the one I used to have, but the one that has taken residency without having been invited.

The "original" body. This is in 1987, when I first came
from Puerto Rico.
Oh, don't take me wrong! I was expecting some changes after having my two daughters. In fact, I welcomed some of those changes, like my bigger breasts, and the roundness of my body. The problem was that the changes did not stop there: the roundness continued moving on and soon enough I had not one, but two faces, as evidenced in my pictures. And I am sure that more than one person considered asking me the due date for my next baby.

Over the years, I tried, unsuccessfully, to get rid of "the body." But, boy!, was there ever a trickier body! The minute I started thinking about it, "the body" launched an attach that made my resolutions crumble. First it was the delicious sundaes with extra, extra peanuts; then it was the extra servings, then the wonderful detail of bringing me chocolates when I was PMSing. "The body" always managed to win me over and without a shame extended its unwanted stay for all these years.

Call it the "Thomas the Tank Engine" era. I was at my heaviest
weight here. My Mother had just died and I was on steroids to
control the stress-induced hives I was getting.
But now it is over. With those words I let "the body" know that its tenancy was about to expire, that is was time to move out and never return again; that no amount of chocolates or sundaes or some other sweet little things could make me change my mind. I'm clear this is going to be a long eviction process. That very likely "the body" will fight a hard battle and will try to continue extending its residency, despite the fact that the rejection is loud and clear. But I am certain I will overcome, that I will come out victorious. That at the end of this struggle, I will end up with a body that acknowledges and celebrates the birth of my daughters, but in a way that is welcomed and accepted.

September 2013. Getting closer to my goal, but still
a lot of work to do. Very happy with my progress!
So now I say goodbye to "the body". Your days are counted.


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