Forging Ahead - Part II: Rewards and Validation

After that wonderful Hawaiian vacation, we came back to reality and the daily routines. We all had some adjustments to make, particularly with the jet lag, but me, with my insomnia, it took me a bit longer to get back on track. And to top it off, I only had about a week and a half to get adjusted, as I had to pack again to attend the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) 2013, which was taking place in New Orleans, LA.

I was very excited to go to USCA. It was going to be a great opportunity to network with colleagues in the HIV/AIDS field, many of whom I had met in 2012 at the XIX International AIDS Conference, which took place in Washington, DC. Last year, I was selected by the National Latino AIDS Action Network (NLAAN) to be an Embajadora at the conference. As an Embajadora (Ambassador), I covered various of the conference sessions and shared this information through a blog and other social media outlets, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Some other people I had met in Chicago in 2011, when I was one of the Community Co-Chairs of USCA2011, which was held here in Chicago.

Back then, I had tried to get in shape prior to the conference, but I was not able to do it, and all through the conference I was very conscious of my weight and how I looked. Not that I wasn't confident; that has never been a problem. It was just that I did not feel comfortable with the way I looked. So, going to USCA2013 and seeing some of the same people that I had met the year prior was going to be a treat, sort of like a validation of the hard work I had been doing for the past couple of months.

And boy, was it interesting! It was funny that I had to reintroduce myself to some people that I had met the prior year. Granted, with some of them it was not like we had spent a lot of time together, but once I mentioned the Embajadores, and the welcoming reception we organized, watching their reaction was great. "Wow," they said, "you look so different; you look great."

Left: Me on July 2012. Right: Me right now.
Validation and motivation!

And, like I have said before, it is not that I did not feel fabulous before, but at that precise moment, I felt super-fabulous. For the first time in years I felt comfortable in my own skin. I was not conscious of my weight, despite knowing that I still had work to do. The difference was that the year before I had not made a commitment to my health. This year, however, I had dedicated myself to making changes, to eat healthier, to workout consistently. And the results were noticeable. And it is good when others acknowledge your achievements. But most importantly, it makes me want to continue on my path to being healthy.

In an earlier post, I used this image as an example of how I felt:

This is how I feel, like I am trapped in a body that is not mine.
I can't wait until I break out of it!

That was in February of this year. Right now I can say that I am finally breaking out of that shell, and recuperating my body, one that is healthy and that has been carved out with hard work, with proper nutrition and exercise. Yes, I am proud! And the best is yet to come!



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