Forging Ahead - Part III: Against all Odds

Vacation is over. Conference is done with. Now back to reality. Y ahí es donde la puerca entorchó el rabo (this is difficult to translate, but it means "this is where things get difficult.')

It was time to get back into routines. I generally handle routines well; in fact, I welcome routines as they keeps me focused. I like knowing what is happening, when and where. Little did I know that our home routines had been seriously altered and that we had to adjust to a new reality! Amanda's and Ileana's new school schedules are crazy! It keeps them away from home during evenings, sometimes as late as 9:30 p.m. Needless to say, this threw our routines out of the window. We come home and there's nobody here. And because it is weird cooking for one or two people only, (then again, I don't like cooking much!) we have resorted to ordering out quite a bit. Yeah...unhealthy stuff, big portions...and no leftovers for next day.

Right now, I am in the middle of that tangle, unable
to get back in track.
And you know how it goes, one thing changes and everything goes to hell, which is exactly what has happened to my workouts. I have managed to fit one run at the park here, and a full workout there, but nothing consistently. Which sucks because I have learned to really like working out and the feeling afterwards. But not much is going on right now!

A while back, this would have driven me crazy. I would have felt like I was giving up, like I was not doing enough, not putting forth much effort. Thankfully, I don't do that anymore. I have learned to be gentler with myself and focus on what I have done instead of what I have not done. And after reading this article, I felt even better about not pushing myself to do what I could not possibly do. For example, after coming from the conference, where I worked out and walked for 3 miles, more than what I generally do, I ended up with a lot of pain on my calfs. Back at home, I was ready to jump back into action, but the pain was too much. I decided to give it a rest, and after a couple of days, I was back to running as usual. Of course, that does not mean that I am quitting, that I am stopping on my quest to get healthier. It just means that I have learned to accept life for what it is, with ups and downs, with very good times and less good times.

Yep, yep! Lesson learned!
Meanwhile, I am enjoying other things. This Saturday, for example, I participated with co-workers and friends in the AIDS Run and Walk 2013. It was 20 years ago when I first participated on this event; that is when I founded my organization, CALOR. We walked 3.1 miles and raised funds to support the programming at my organization. It was great to be part of this again, although with a new group, and missing some of my friends and founding members who are no longer with us. As of now, we have raised $5,350 and counting!

CALOR team then (top) and now (bottom)
I am also looking forward to upcoming activities, like my Boudoir photo session in November, a gift to myself for what I have accomplished. And my daughter Ileana's Quinceañero next year. I know these are things that will give me the motivation to get back on track. It will not be easy, I know it. It will require a lot of commitment and coordination, like preparing meals ahead of time, getting up earlier to fit a workout in the morning, and fighting temptations (right now I could go for a pecan pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!) But if anything has drastically changed from when I first started this quest is my confidence on my ability to get it done.

It know I will make it happen!


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