Focus on the simple things

I wish this was so easy, but for me, even trying to focus on the simple things is sometimes a major task.  I was able to do that last week, for example.  But today? Well, today is another story altogether. 

I knew the hideous week was coming, that week in which I have to struggle with my internal demons, battle insomnia, fight the constant exhaustion, all the while by trying to keep reminding myself that it will pass, that come the weekend I will wake up and the sun will be shining, even if it is cloudy and dark outside. Call it PMS, call it depression, call it whatever you want; it does not matter. It is a darned hard week and I dislike it very much. 

So I am going to try hard right now and focus on the simple things. Those little things that make you happy without much effort. 

Let me start with Lil Baby Mateo, whom I met on January 3. Mateo is my friend's Martha newborn baby, and oh, he is one sweet lil baby! We met for brunch at Nelly's Restaurant, where Martha and I indulged in a delicious avena de coco (if you have never tasted it, you must! I assure you that you will love it!).  Anyway, Lil Mateo was sleeping, and Martha and I took advantage to catch up since she left work on maternity leave. We did not talk much about work, but about other personal things that many times we do not get to share at work. After a while Mateo woke up, yay! There was my opportunity to get my baby fix. I picked him up and gave him his bottle. Because I breastfed my two girls, my tendency was to hold him close to my breast, not very effective when trying to bottle-feed. I spoke to Mateo and he was very attentive; he's only a month old, but he can spot a good looking woman already! When I gave Mateo back to Martha, I was able to smell his feet (OK, don't be grossed out...babies' feet smell delicious, at least to me!).  We had a good time and I am glad we were able to get together.

Mateo's patita...he's got big feet! <3

Martha and Mateo
On January 5th my daughter Ileana had a performance at Navy Pier's Winter Wonderfest. She's a dancer with the Youth Ensemble for Thodos Dance Chicago. I volunteered to be one of the chauffeurs for the girls, and I was able to go backstage with them. I was amazed by the talent and the dedication that these girls have! We had a big crowd there to see Ileana's performance: Omar (daddy), Andrew (stepdad) Amanda (sister), Amanda B. (host sister), Titi Elena (aunt), and big sister Debbie. When the performance was to start, I went to the seating area to see the show. Even though I have seen her dance before, I couldn't help it but get teary eyed as I say my lil one perform. She has such grace and poise! After the performance, we stayed at Navy Pier and the girls enjoyed some of the rides and also ice-skated.

Backstage Rehearsal

My Ileana peforming; she's the first one on the right.

The girls enjoying a ride.
On the 6th, family and friends gathered at my home to celebrate el Día de los Reyes Magos. We have been able to maintain this tradition in our family. We had lots of food, mimosas, dessert, and music. And at the end of the gathering, we exchanged gifts as it is customary. It is so good to see the kids open gifts! We tend to save the best gifts for Reyes, and we were not disappointed!

Christmas tree full of Reyes gift. There were
a lot more in the morning!
Going back to work on the 7th could have been a nightmare, but early on I decided that I was going to focus on doing one thing at a time (in my mind I have fantasies that I can actually accomplish more than one thing at a time!). And guess what? This actually turned out to be a very good strategy! I accomplished a lot more and never felt stressed out! It was a good week with a lot of things done.

Let's see, what else? Oh, well, Amanda became the captain of her softball team at Westinghouse College Prep, and Ileana got great news from the two top selective enrollment high schools. Other little things happened, but I am saving those for the "good things" jar that my niece Zamara and my daughter Amanda will be doing to read at the end of this year. 

Writing this has helped me refocus and rejoice on the good and simple things that have happen. Those that are not planned, but that bring a smile to your face and make your heart full of joy. I will try to remember these when I feel down. And for the ugly week? Well, I may have to cheat a bit and open the "good things" jar once a month; it certainly has helped right now!


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