Super-Woman took a vacation.

As things generally go, particularly when you are determined to make changes, things today did not turn out the way I had planned them. My intention was to spend a little bit of time at work, just to complete some essential tasks, and then attack that 10-item "To Do" list that I created during my anxiety attack last night. Afterwards, I was planning to come back home and spend some time with my girls; we still have some gifts to buy for our Tres Reyes celebration this coming Sunday. Ideal, isn't it?

But no! Things did not go as planned. As it turns out, for reasons beyond my control, I was kept at work for at least two more hours than what I had planned. I was furious, and had a hard time keeping my emotions in control. Hey! I had carefully planned the day and now it had been disrupted! Never mind that while waiting, I responded to other important emails, and returned a couple of phone calls. No. As it is common with the Super-Woman Complex, I could not focus on my achievements, but focused on what still needed to be done. 

Frustrated and while waiting, I remembered I had packed a snack just in case, so I got it out of my purse and ate it. And I also drank water - quite an accomplishment! Of course, I was only able to note this at the end of the day.

My snackie (ignore the Diet Pepsi in the background;
not ready to give that up just yet)

I was finally able to finish the pending tasks, and i saw the perfect opportunity to get some of the items of the now-dreaded "To Do" list out of the way. In my mind, the list was almost getting out of my purse, clamoring for my attention, demanding I take care of them (in reality, nobody knew about this list, and there is nothing in the list that it is really, truly urgent). So I took the list out and completed one of the tasks. Check! Excited by my progress, I scanned the list to prioritize. What was next? Send back the Sensa packets. I am not committed to it, I just can't remember to sprinkle all my food with that thing (I wonder how my apple would have looked sprinkled with Sensa?). Called Customer Services to get my Authorization Return Number; "No, Miss, I don't want to try the wonderful water enhancers; no, I am not interested in extending my trial is just not for me, thanks." Finally, I got transferred to an automated service that gave me the information needed to send the product back, minus the free gift, a video about using the product, which I have no idea what will I do with it since I no longer have the product. 

Anyway, by now I was pumped! Super-Woman was going full-force and I was set to attack the next item in the list. Get ready, list, because before you know it I will be done with you! 

And that is when it happened. Super-Woman took a vacation, without prior notification or approval. I just got up, dumped the list in my purse, put on my coat, and headed out of the office to meet my girls. Just like that, I was able to let go of the internal pressure, and left without looking back.

I spent a good evening with my daughters. We went shopping as planned, had coffee together. I got my dancing shoes for my next Salsa class at Latin Rhythms,  and I scheduled a brunch date with my friend Martha tomorrow to finally meet her new baby, Mateo. It was a great evening, indeed.

Super Woman? I'd rather be a Dancing Queen!

As for the list? It is still there, waiting to be finished. But guess what? I am still on vacation.


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