Work out, yeah...but when?

On Sunday, on my 4th consecutive day going to the 1st floor to workout, I was very proud of myself. I had started working out in December, on and off, but that week, that week I had been consistent and had kept my commitment on working out. I had already started seeing small changes in my body. My legs, which have always responded to exercise pretty fast, were beginning to feel strong again; the flabbiness was beginning to melt! And I had begun to feel muscles in my belly that I did not even remember existed thanks to some abs work that I was doing. And when I hopped into the scale and saw that I had lost 3 lbs. in the two weeks since I had last weighed myself that was all I needed. I was pumped! Yeah! I was going to get this done! It was going to happen! Along with my husband, who has been training me, I drew the plan for the upcoming week:  chest on Tuesday, arms on Wednesday, shoulders on Thursday, all followed by 40 minutes minimum of cardio.

1 mile, 327 calories!

And then life happened...

On Tuesday both my husband and I had to work, so I had to pick up my daughter from ballet practice, and take care of dinner. Cooking was out of the question; I had to grab something on the way back from picking up my daughter. By the time I finished with the running around and dinner, I was exhausted. "No problem," I said to myself, "I will pick up tomorrow." I only had a Local School Council meeting and should be home by 7:00 p.m. the latest. Ha! I spoke to soon. We were working on the school principal's performance evaluation and contract renewal, which meant that we had a lot to do. Before I knew it, it was 9:00 p.m. when we left the meeting. And to top it off, my back muscle spasms had been acting up, so when I got home, I took a painkiller, took a bath, and went to sleep.

Or so I thought...

Workout room waiting for me...when will I be back?

I was not able to sleep; I was tossing and turning, and could not sleep even if my life depended on it. I grabbed the book I was reading, and at around 1:30 p.m. I was finally tired, so I turned off the light and got ready to sleep. And then I heard one of the cats coughing, and I knew what was coming next: he threw up! Ugggh! The worst thing than cleaning cat throw up is getting up in the morning and stepping on cat throw up. So there I am, at 1:30 in the morning, getting up to clean after the cat. And then, I was not able to go back to sleep until 3:00 a.m. When the alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. this morning, when I was supposed to go for my cardio workout, I just turned it off and kept on sleeping.

I know, I know. I know that there is women out there that have a lot of things going on too, and still manage to work out. I admire them for doing that. And I hope to get there at one point.  Right now, however, I am just sharing the trouble I am having trying to keep up with this routine. It is hard, damn it! It is really hard and in years past I would have already given up...but not this time.

While I have not been able to workout this week yet (there's always tomorrow!), I have been really, really good with food. I have prepared healthy lunches, have my snacks, and have been drinking more water than it is humanly possible (or so it seems!). That is half of the battle.  

So for now, let me keep focusing on the simple things.  The rest will come soon.


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