It does not get easier...

So here I am today, on Day 9 of my 30 for 30 challenge. I can't believe that it has already been that long! And yet, there are still 21 days to go.  All in all, it has been good. Initially I thought that I was going to be blogging each day, but frankly, after working out I am exhausted and only want to take a bath and go to sleep. So I think I will be blogging on a weekly basis instead. Here's a summary report for days 2 through 8.

"Don't wish it were easier. Wish you were better." - Fitness Inspiration for Women on Facebook - February 21, 2013
Progress, one day at a time
I have to say that this is the most committed I have been to a workout regimen in the last couple of months. I am actually looking forward to working out every day. Before the challenge, I fantasized about working out, and then a "reason" would come up and I would not do it. But now, since I made this commitment, I am excited about doing it every day, and it helps a lot when I see changes in my body. Again, these are not major changes; it is not like I have lost enormous amounts of weight from one day to the other. But seeing definition where there was none before, feeling the strength on my legs as I do my squats, and feeling stronger altogether makes a difference and it makes me want to keep on going.

I am very proud to admit that I have only missed one day of working out. And I say I am proud to admit it because I have to accept the fact that from time to time I will not be able to keep on with my routine. Last Saturday, for example. My hubby had scheduled a spa day for me as a birthday gift, and we had dinner reservations early in the evening. As we had planned it, we would be out of the spa by 1:00 p.m., with enough time to come home, work out, and get ready for dinner. But we did not get out of the spa until 2:30 and by the time we got home and ate a light lunch, it was time to get ready for dinner. I had to fight the stress that was about to attack me for having missed one day. To allow it to happen would have messed up the relaxed state I had gotten from the pampering early on in the day. I did not fight it; I accepted it as a fact of life...and enjoyed the rest of the evening celebrating my birthday.

I had envisioned a pinup portrait for my 45th birthday.
It will take me a bit longer, but it is happening!
My sister, too.  She started strong...and then got sick. First her knee got swollen, and then she got a super-bug that has left her unable to do much. And she has missed the last couple of days of the challenge. But she is committed to coming back to it, and I am sure she will do it.

If you have read my other blogs, you will know that this is a major feat for me. Once in a while I get Super-Woman tendencies and think that I can do everything all the time, regardless of circumstances. So acknowledging that it was not possible to workout on that day was a big victory for me, for my spirit and wellbeing, which is something I also need. I have chosen to focus on the fact that out of 6 days, I had worked hard on 5 of them, and I still have 25 more days to do it.

Lessons Learned
And of course, in the process I have learned a couple of things. The first blow-drying your hair after a vigorous upper body workout is not a good idea. Just thinking about it makes me cringe in pain. On Day 2 I washed my hair after working out and tried to blow-dry it. Ouch! My arms felt like they weighed a ton and I could barely raise them! I have to come up with better ideas for accomplishing this.

Changing into workout clothes right after coming from work helps me too. It is sort of an acknowledgement of my commitment to working out. I am ready; it does not make any sense not to work out then.

And speaking of getting ready, packing my lunches and snacks is a must. I can't forget to do this or else I will end up eating unhealthy things. Take Thursday, for example. I did not take lunch or snacks, and instead ate a little leftover pasta at work. By 2:00 p.m. I was delirious! I was shaking for the lack of carbs, and in my crazy state I began craving and clamoring for a long-john. Good thing that I have people looking after me and keeping me accountable; I had shared my blog with my co-workers and one of them, Nelly, heard me as I asked for the long-john. "Are you going to put that in your blog?" said Nelly...and just like that my desire went away. I admit it; I did it a little piece of it because I needed the carbs, but I did not savor it. I felt that I was sabotaging myself. Since then, not a day has gone by that I have my lunch and snacks ready.

My favorite thing I have learned, though, is the importance of having a workout partner. It so happens that my partner is my hubby, and I truly appreciate it! I love seeing him lifting weights and doing pushups. It makes me want to work as hard as he is doing it. And yes, I still get mad at him; I tell him to get out, I tell him to leave me alone, and I threaten to fire him. But at the end of the workout session, we go back to our house together, satisfied for what we have done, and encouraging each other to keep on going.

So going back to the quote above, it has not gotten easier...I just gotten better. In fact, so much better that it is now time to mix up the routine and add a couple of new things.

Keep on reading, I will let you know how it goes!


  1. Very happy for my sister for keeping up with the commitment. Like she said one of my knees gave out & now I have a cold that's kicking my behind. But I'm coming back today 'cause like my boss told me I need to sweat out the "bad yuyu" I got. I do have to make a bigger effort to pack my lunches & snacks 'cause I don't give in into temptations but I don't eat & that is equally bad for me. Hoping to feel better soon. Let's do this!


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