When things go wrong, reach for happy moments

Today was one of those days for me, the ones that you wish you could have stayed home all day, preferably in bed, not doing much of anything. But it was not meant to be. I had to finish payroll, meet to discuss 4 pending proposals, and finish getting ready for tomorrow's site visit. I had to go to work. And to make things work, the window replacement project at work has not been finished, so my office is a total mess, with my plants all over the place, my picture frames in little piles, and the whole office in total disarray. It was definitely not a good start to the day.

By the time it was 5:00 p.m., and despite a delicious cup of cuban coffee, I was crushed. My energy was very low, and my emotions were threatening to betray me. Just a minor thing would have caused me to burst into tears. But there was still a fragment of sanity in me, and I came home determined to regain my balance. I lit up candles the minute I got in, and put a favorite CD on. Then I went to the kitchen and started cooking. Never before had I looked at cooking as a source of pleasure, but today, as I prepared the meal for my family, I remembered my Mambo and how much she loved cooking, and this gave me a lot of satisfaction.

Arroz con habichuelas rositas. It was delicious!
And then I remembered that my niece Zamara had sent me an email earlier this year about creating a Happy Jar where we could put nice memories for the year and then meet at the end of the year to read the notes over mimosas (this was a big incentive!). I had already gotten the jar, but had not gotten around starting it. "So why not now?" I thought. And so I started it.

It was just what I needed. Right now, when I was feeling down, when my energy was depleted, I needed a reminder of the good things that have happened so far, a reminder of how lucky I am, and about the many blessings that God has given me and my family. I remembered many good things that have happened and that if you are not careful to preserve the memories, would get buried in the day-to-day shuffle. I am glad I did it and I look forward to keeping track of more happy moments in the jar.

My Happy Jar for 2013!
I used Facebook to go back to January and jot down the happy moments that have happened since then. And in the process I remembered some other things that I may not necessarily put in the Happy Jar, but that have also been a source of joy, such as finding an old friend, nice lil messages that people send you, photos that make you laugh, and other photos that brought back memories. And it even inspired me to look for a little box of perfume where my dear Mother had put away my medals from middle and high school, and also from the Batuteras (baton girls), a group that I belonged to when I was younger and that gave me many experiences and opportunities, such as when we won second place in the island championship.

Batuteras de la C.R.UV. - El Cotto, Arecibo, PR.
I'm the fifth one from right to left, right in front of Yoly, with the white dress.

My medals from middle and high school, and from
the Batuteras championship
I am done with the jar for today. And my spirit is renewed and full of energy. Yeah, the day did not start good, but it definitively ended with happy moments. And those are the ones I will cherish. <3


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