The Wardrobe...Stage 1

You know that feeling of trying on a new piece of clothing, expecting the worse, and then being pleasantly surprised? Well, yeah, it happened to me. One of the first signs of the changes happening to my body. Or better put, of the changes I am creating for my body. And I am loving it.

On February 2nd, it was the Thodos Dance Chicago "21 Club" Gala, and since my daughter Ileana is a dancer with the company's Youth Ensemble, we went to the event. It was a black and white cocktail event, and I wanted to wear something new and nice. So there I go shopping with my ever-supporting and patient husband, who helped me select a good amount of dresses to try on. I was prepared for the worst; I generally come out frustrated when things are too tight (yes, I do buy them my size, and still...), or just don't look altogether. But, oh, what a pleasant surprise when I tried on dress after dress and most of them looked really good! At the end of the try-on session, I had 4 dresses to chose from. FOUR DRESSES! I don't remember the last time I had so many options. Usually, I would consider myself lucky if I walked out of the store with something that I felt comfortable with. At the end of the day, I took home two dresses. I figured I would wear one for the Gala, and the other one I could wear on my upcoming birthday.  

My hubby and I on the day of the gala. I felt absolutely fabulous!
The other dress. This one is for my birthday.
These are little things that make a difference and really keep me going on. Earlier this week, for example, I went to the first floor to workout, and after 15 minutes on the elliptical, I was ready to quit. But earlier I had read a post that inspired me to keep it up (see below). I pushed myself and finished my 40 minutes of cardio. And afterwards I felt awesome not only from the high that working out gives you but because I had overcome the desire to quit. Messages and support, along with the changes I'm already seeing and the clothes that are fitting much, much better, help me keep my focus on the goal.

I see differences already!
Today was another example of those little things that make a huge difference. I went down to workout and there was my mean, really mean trainer (that's my husband Andrew). And he was on a mean streak today (not really, I just did not want to do anything). We worked on back today; he was teaching me the proper form for the exercise, and I started complaining: "I have a huge butt! There is no way it can not be up!" When he moved my arms so that I could lift the weights properly, my response was "I am not a Barbie! My arms do not move that way!" When he told me I still had another set to go, I said "I don't like you, leave me alone!" I threatened to fire him like 4 or 5 times, but he ignored me (thank you!) and kept on torturing me (well, that's my name for a good workout). And then, at dinner, as I was talkin to my family and extending my arms to explain something, my daughter Amanda says "Wow, I can see some definition!" Boy, was I happy...más contenta que un perro con dos rabos! (roughly translated, happier than a dog with two tails - it probably does not make sense in English). I guess this is the time when people start noticing the changes.

So I am keeping it up. The wardrobe changes, including jeans that don't bite, are giving me reasons to keep it going. And the slow but steady changes in my weight are also helping (173.8 lbs today!). Sure, it is not as fast as I would have wished, but it is happening, and that is what is important. And moreover, I am feeling fabulous and healthy, and my daughters are noticing my efforts and changes! Are there more important reasons to get this done? I can't think of any!


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