Half way there!

Today marks the 15th day since I started the 30 for 30 challenge. I can't believe I am half way there! It has not been an easy journey, but definitively one I'm glad I took it, and also look forward to continue. I am already seeing some results from my efforts and can only imagine what is to come as I keep on going.

Yesterday, for example, I was getting ready to go to my daughter Ileana's performance, and when I put on the skirt I was planning to wear, it fit me too big! I was so happy about that, and it got better this morning when I was getting ready for work and I put on my gray skirt (which I actually like a lot) and it fit me big as well. I am putting both of them aside to give them away. I am committed to never go back to that size again.

And in order to do that, I need to continue to be disciplined, not only about my workouts, but in my nutrition as well. As I mentioned last week, I know that not preparing my lunch was a sure shortfall for me. Not having lunch and snacks ready generally resulted in my eating not so healthy options. So in order to avoid that, I knew that I had to get ready ahead of time, and that is exactly what I did. On Saturday, after going grocery shopping, I came home and started prepping for the week right away. I divided my snacks into the right portions sizes and put them in individual packages, just ready to be picked up. It really made a difference this morning as I was preparing my lunch!

Grapes, blueberries, raspberries, almonds and salad mix.
Ready to go!
Delicious salad for lunch, along with fruit and almonds
for snacks. Yummy!
After a couple of days of the same workouts, last week I was ready to spice things up with a new workout. Well, let me tell you about that. I had seen a circuit routine for abs that I thought was doable, and which included using a jump rope for intervals of 30 seconds. I remembered how much I loved jumping rope when I was little...and forgot that I was no longer little and that I had not jumped rope in over 20 years. Needless to say, I lasted about 2 seconds, which all things considered, was a success, as I did not end up with a broken bone. I skipped that part and did the rest of the circuit, which left me feeling my abs for the rest of the week, and wanting to leave them alone.

Now, Fridays I get my favorite workouts. That is when I go to Latin Rhythms for my salsa lessons. My daughter Amanda goes with me and we have a great time together. I have danced salsa since I was a little girl, but this has been a new adventure. I am learning technique and leaving behind bad habits, and that is a lot of work, but I love it. I can't wait to try what I have learned when I go to the 30th Anniversary of the Día Nacional de la Salsa on March 18. Even my hubby has been taking salsa lessons so that we can dance together. I can't wait for that.

So, as I celebrate my getting to the middle of the road, I rejoice in what I have done so far as I look forward to what is coming. And this includes that some of my coworkers have also committed to working out and getting fit and healthy. Now the accountability and support is going to get stronger, and I am happy about that. And the wardrobe changes? Ah, those I am loving the most!


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