When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Today is day 23 of my 30 for 30 challenge. At times it seems unbelievable that I have gotten this far, and yet, I always knew that I could do it. Sure, it has been difficult to adjust to this new thing of making sure that I make time for myself, but it has been worth it. And I am very happy to say that of the 23 days, I have only missed working out 4 days. There are times that doing it is just not possible. And yesterday was one of those days.

It was a hard day at work. Knowing I only had 2 working days this week before I leave on vacation elevated my stress to new levels. I had tons of things to do, and that was not counting the ones I had to do at home. Doing my taxes, for example. Yes, I always promise myself that I will do them as soon as I get my W-2 forms, but it never happens, and this year was no exception. The difference is that I need money for my vacation and I had been planning to use my tax return for this purpose. Well, guess what? I waited until the last minute and it was not until yesterday that I finally got to do them. And, of course, I still have no money for my vacation.

So between doing my taxes, doing laundry prior to my trip (by know you should know I am a procrastinator), and a really late dinner due to everybody's conflicting schedules, at 8:30 p.m. I allowed myself the opportunity to say that I was not going to work out. It was just not going to be possible. And the relief I felt was incredible. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a break. Not everything goes as planned all the time.

New Routines
I had been wanting to add new things to my workout routine. Although I have seen good results with what I was doing, I have to admit that I am not very fond of the elliptical. I feel like I keep walking and walking and I get nowhere. Last year I had done Zumba and loved it. I like dancing very much, and doing it while getting fit sounded like a lot of fun. I had done it in a group but not alone, and I have to say that I liked it even more doing it alone. I could really let go and shake my booty without worrying about others looking at me funny. I have done both the cardio and the core workouts and I have to say that after two days I was feeling it everywhere! I am loving it and will continue to mix it with my other workout routines. That should keep me motivated.

The Wardrobe
Last week I had to get rid of two skirts that did not fit me anymore. And this weekend, in preparation for my upcoming vacation in beautiful Puerto Rico, I went shopping for summer clothes. I was looking forward to this because I know that I have lost weight and wanted to know what new things I could fit in. Ha! I was in for a big surprise! I have no idea why the fashion industry does this to women (do men go through this too?), but I think there is a secret conspiracy to drive us nuts with the sizes! At home I had tried size 10 shorts; they were still a bit snug but at least I could zip them up. So there I go to the store, and took several size 12 pants and one in a size 14 because it was not available in a 12. Well, none of them fit! Not even the size 14! I could not believe it. The size 14 seemed even smaller than the size 10 I had tried at home. This was very frustrating, but later found out it is a rather very common occurrence. I did not buy anything on that day, but the next day, I went out again and found some very nice outfits in a store where before I could barely fit into anything they sold, Forever 21. I am looking forward to future shopping trips!

As I get closer to the completion of my goal, I get motivated to continue with my quest to get healthy, to get fit. I am happy for what I have accomplished so far and can only imagine what the long term results will be. I am tough, and I will keep going.


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