It will come sooner or later.

I am sorry to report that as of today, I have not started the 12 week shape up challenge. I am still having lots of trouble adjusting to the daily routines. Honestly, it has been the hardest time ever; never have I had such difficulty coming from vacation and picking up where I left off. This time around, however, it has been so, so hard! I have difficulty getting up in the morning and getting ready to go to work; I have no motivation to do so. And when I come home, I am so tired that I just want to take a bath and relax; no energy or intention to workout. I think of all the reasons why I should, but nothing has made me move from my comfy couch to the gym...I figure it will come, sooner or later.

Meanwhile, I have been enjoying other things, taking care of other business that are equally important. For example, Amanda, my oldest daughter, is graduating from high school in about two months. Not only that, she is also turning 18 and going to college! I can't believe it; to me, it was only yesterday that I first held her in my arms, and now, my little Pajarito is a young señorita, ready to take on the world! Needless to say, the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activities, from buying the fabric for her prom dress, to scheduling her braces removal in time for prom and graduation, to ordering her high school ring, which by the way, she is ordering from Jostens, the same company from which I got my own high school ring. I can't help it but remember my very own high school graduation almost 27 years ago (stop counting - I'm 45 and proud of it!), and wonder how my Mambo did it, all by herself. I am lucky now that I count on Andrew's and Omar's help to get things done, but my Mambo, she did it all on her own, and she did a great job!

Back to Amanda, those are the things we have been dealing with lately. That, and the college choice. She has finally decided to attend DePaul University, my Alma Mater, where she will be studying Political Science and Communications. And with this decision comes the financial aid decisions, the trying to get as many scholarships as possibles, trying to determine how we are going to pay for her education. On a side note, it is ridiculous how much education costs! Something has to be done about this. And lastly, Amanda's softball team, where she is one of the captains for the Westinghouse Warriors. So practice, softball equipment, and games for the next couple of months!

And then my Ileana, my Pingüi, who recently represented her school at the City's Science Fair and won a spot to represent the school at the state level. We are all very proud of her! And she is also graduating from 8th grade, so there goes another round of fabric for her graduation and luncheon dresses. Luckily, Omar will be making the dresses for her, just like he did for Amanda when she graduated from 8th grade. Ileana also made her decision about high school; she was accepted and received a scholarship to attend the Chicago Academy for the Arts, but decided against it. Instead, she chose to go to The Ogden International School of Chicago, where she was accepted at the International Baccalaureate program. As with Amanda, I often marvel at how fast she has grown up, my lil baby that from one day to another grew into a young little girl.

Ileana is also a dancer with the Youth Ensemble for Thodos Dance Chicago, and she is now getting ready for the Spring Recital. She is very dedicated to her rehearsal schedule, and it is common to see her around the house practicing her routines. I have to admit that I live vicariously through her; I would have loved to be part of a dance company like she is.

I am enjoying this period. It is different, and while I am not necessarily doing what I had set out to do as it relates to my fitness, I am finding a lot of joy in doing this with my girls and for my girls. Now, let me continue with the arrangements for their graduation party. The rest will come when the time is right.


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