When it rain, it pours

I need to start with this picture, because it epitomizes the way I have been feeling lately.

That heavy cloud has been following me
for a long time already...

Yep. Just like Eeyore, I have been feeling like a fat, gray cloud has been following me for a long time, and I don't seem to be able to shake it off. It has been two weeks since I started taking meds, and still, the therapy does not seem to be working. I spoke to my doctor yesterday; like I mentioned before, I am grateful to have a doctor that listens to me and takes my opinion in consideration. At first, she thought that the best course would be to up the dose of Paxil, but upon talking and discussing other factors that I feel have a lot to do with what I am feeling, she agreed that we should look at other options that may alleviate my condition. I won't go into details about that now because I am still working on that, but I am almost certain that this will really provide the relief that I am so craving and that will allow me to renew my energies and will give me the opportunity to start anew. More of that to come in future postings.

Meanwhile, I went away with my husband and my girls for a weekend getaway in beautiful Galena, Illinois. We had a very nice time together, away from all the city noise, and with not much to do but to relax. On Saturday we went to Main Street for brunch, shopping and walking around. Little did we know that the Boy Scouts had an activity that weekend, and the town was full of them! Nevertheless, we enjoyed the parade, and were still able to have a good time. At night, back in our rental place, we climbed up a hill and were able to see the sky full of stars, something you can't see in Chicago. It was refreshing, and I loved hearing Andrew, Amanda and Ileana naming the stars. It was a refreshing weekend that gave all of us a much needed break.
We needed this so much! <3
So what has happened to working out, you may ask? Well, not much really. Last week I tried the first week of the 12 week shape up challenge, but was only able to do three days. I must say, however, that it was intense! By day three I was feeling every muscle in my body and liking it. But then, something came up, I don't even remember what, and I did not continue...so there went another week. Yesterday, however, the weather in Chicago cooperated and I was able to go for my first outdoor run of the year in beautiful Humboldt Park. It was a great feeling, although when I came back I just wanted to curl up and sleep the rest of the day. At night, I went down to the gym and started the 12 week shape up challenge all over again, and this time around I was able to do the circuit 4 times! I was very happy, as it is an indication that my body is stronger, despite the weeks without working out. Also, when I went down I had a terrible headache and even told Andrew that I was considering going back up, that I did not want to do it...but I did and magically the headache went away. Probably the headache was stress-induced and the endorphins from working out help get rid of it! Today I did day 2 of week one, and was also able to do 4 rounds of the circuit. I am determined to stick to it this week and then keep going.

Finally got to use my new running shoes!
So back to Eeyore...the rain still has not stopped. The cloud is still hanging around. But I am fighting it, fighting it with all I've got. There is a saying in Spanish that goes "no hay mal que dure cien años, ni cuerpo que lo resista" (the translation I found says "nothing goes on forever," which is more or less what it means, but it looses its flavor when translated). In any case, I am certain it will come to an end. I am taking steps to make it happen. I will get it done.


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